Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Graduate School

wow! now I am officially graduate student. Entering mechatronic 1st lab under ando supervisor. Still feel like a stranger even today is my 3rd days in this lab.

bout reseach
-my supervisor offer me new theme but i dont have confidence to do it all from the beginning. So i took the present theme that left. Is about mengnetic gear. Sound interesting right?! yeah! but it a simple experiment about mesuring megnetic gear`s ouput torque and configuring how to increase the output torque.


bout lab
mecha 1 labs came with same size compare to my previous lab, but compact with many student. double size I guess. They are pretty nice but so shy and doing the own work all the time.

haha...2nd boring...sucks one

tomorrow my class will be start. I have to wake up early morning..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

entry for 4/2/2008

it is weird if i write conclusion fisrt then experiment result and discussion.

my plan for this week is to start writing maezuri & powerpoint for presentation.

and to understand every single part of the thesis. then, guessing the possible question that maybe asked by them(prof)

wednesday :
thursday :
friday :
saturday :
sunday :

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

without finding the meaning from dictionary,  I think its called array in english.

okay, our mission is simple. How to make a set of data and put into a  math function,  calculate, and save the result in one file.

first of all built a simple linear graph function like y=mx+c, then, define all the coefficient. Then, built step by step.

1. put the header
2. define all the coefficient
3. built the input form
4. built the save data form
5. built the calculation function 

thats all. the most important part here is to define the array "hairetsu" means the range of data. for example input x=1,2,3....till 100, we can write it 

int i <<
double x1[1001] <<


don`t forget to define x1[i] = x;

here is the script for this program

linear graf data awis ver.
File Name : 練習1.c
Version : 1.00
Date : 2008.6.25
Programed by awis85

int i; //parameter

double  x = 0.0; //X軸
double y = 0.0; //Y軸
double = 0.0; //傾き
double = 0.0; //係数
double x1[1001];
double Y1[1001];

void input(void)



void save_data(void)
char name[20];
FILE *fp;

printf("Input Data Name : ");
strcat (name,".dat");

fp=fopen(name,"w"); //エラーメッセージ
if (fp==NULL){
printf("File Cannot Open");
for(i=0;i<= 100;i++){
fprintf(fp,"%10.7f %10.7f\n",x1[i],Y1[i]);

printf("出力終了  \n");

void main(void)
x = i * 1;
y = (m * x) + c;

x1[i] = x;
Y1[i] = y;

printf(" x= %lf y= %f \n",x,y);

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

#include // for math function and symbols
#include       //to get memory management funtion 
#include  //memory and string functions
#include          // Defines structs, unions, macros, and functions for dealing with MSDOS and the Intel iAPX86 microprocessor family.

int i;

double time = 0.0; //時間
double x = 0.0; //変位
double m = 0.0; //質量
double c = 0.0; //減衰係数
double k = 0.0; //バネ定数
double x0 = 0.0; //初期変位
double h = 0.01; //刻み幅
double myu = 0.0;
double x1[1000001]; //配列
double T1[1000001];
double p = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double fai = 0.0;
double v0 = 0.0;

void torikomi(void)




void save_data(void)
char name[20];
FILE *fp;

printf("Input Data Name : ");
strcat (name,".dat");

fp=fopen(name,"w"); //エラーメッセージ
if (fp==NULL){
printf("File Cannot Open");
for(i=0;i<= 10000;i++){
fprintf(fp,"%10.7f %10.7f\n",T1[i],x1[i]);

printf("出力終了  \n");

void main(void)
i   = 0;
myu = c * 0.5 / m;
p   = sqrt(k / m);
y   = p*p-myu*myu;
fai = atan((v0+myu*x0)/(x0*sqrt(y)));
time = i * h;
x = exp(-myu * time) * sqrt(pow(x0,2)+pow(((v0 + myu*x0)/sqrt(y)),2))*cos(sqrt(y)*time-fai);
x1[i] = x;
T1[i] = time;
printf("time= %lf x= %f \n",time,x);

this is the program`s language for the last week model.  Actually i got this script from Razi which he got from his senior. it`s almost impossible for me to write from beginning .

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

learning C language


int main(){

printf ("hello world!\n");
printf ("im awis....penat la ari nih..\n");


return 0;


our mission is to creating this simulation program